Courtesy of Bros Film
The Bros film marks a giant leap forward for all LGBTQ+kinds. Not only is the film centered around the LGBTQ+ community, starring actual members of our rainbow, but is also the first produced and marketed queer movie by one of the major motion picture studios ($22 million by Universal Studios). This, in it of itself, is reason enough to support the film, whether you’re lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, allied, or any other letter of the pride family. In addition to showing up to support our brothers and sisters, the film is absolutely hysterical, having me in stitches numerous times over how accurately depicted inter-gay relating actually is..heartwarming, breaking through gay romance stereotypes and the jadedness oftentimes resulting from surviving one, ending one, or observing one…and inspiring, having strong historical, current, and real-world issues, stories, and examples of shared pain, perseverance, and pride dynamically threaded throughout the characters’ stories. If comedy, affection, and inspiration aren’t cinematographic attributes you seek, the movie is 115 minutes of simple entertainment…my eyes were glued to the screen the entire time and was waiting to enjoy bloopers or behind-the-scenes well into the film’s credits (reason enough to take your man, crew, fam, or self to the movies to see Bros).
Boys, boys, boys … the film is primarily centered around the Gays; with real depictions of our community, behaviors, members, stereotypes, vernacular, and comedy.
Relatable … this is the first movie I have ever watched that possessed 100% real-world context for all the characters’ stories and felt many of them could be me or my friends.
Over-The-Top … the movie really went there and shared the hysterical realities of gay dating and mating practices, makes me blush to know this film is marketed to the (hetero) masses!
Satisfying … because of the authenticity of the films’ characters’ stories, paired with it being a RomCom, I empathized with the leads’ feelings and opinions throughout the entire film and sincerely did not want it to end.
Bros released on Friday, September, 30th, 2022 and we recommend catching it in theaters before it hits streaming.